With you kind and generous contributions, the Caring Sisters Network was able to distribute the following to the Lacey Road, Malacca and Foreman Road Settlements:

Foreman Road Settlement on the 13th of June:

120 meals for lunch and 120 meals for supper.

Lacey Road Settlement on the 15th and the 16th of June:

450 meals
250 toiletry packs consisting of a soap, toilet roll, toothbrush and a re-usable mask.
Fruit, drinks and chocolates
A sweet pack consisting of a muffin and biscuits sponsored by Human Aid.

Malacca Settlement on the 15th and 15th of June:

150 new jackets for both adults and children
270 meals
water and cooldrink
Toiletry packs
Beanies and sweet packs sponsored by Human Aid.

We would like to thank all our volunteers of CSN, contributors, donors of CSN, Human Aid and their volunteers for making this worthy initiative possible.
JazakAllah for our generosity and Ubuntu spirit.

Families lost all or most of their material possessions, rendering them more vulnerable than ever.
Your support helps us provide countless services to our community. Impacting Communities. Changing Lives.

We accept lillah, zakaah and sadaqah for all our projects.
Kindly do contact our office if you would like to contribute to any of our projects.

Suite 4
Mohamedeyya Centre
263 Moses Kotane Road
Tel: 031 207 4223
WhatsApp: 084 333 3979

CSN…..Making a Difference!

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