Whilst we are aware that many prefer to distribute their zakaah in Ramadaan, we appeal to you to realise the need for the funds now.
With the current COVID19 situation, many are left hungry and need food for themselves and their families.
Hence whilst distributing our COVID19 lillah and sadaqah hampers we wish to begin distributing to our Muslim families in need for the month of Ramadaan.
The disruption caused by the pandemic and the lockdown has affected all sectors especially those in the food industry.There is already a shortage of maize and rice in South Africa.
Mielie meal, flour and rice are the essentials of our hampers.
Our suppliers are under great pressure for stock, which puts us at CSN management under immense pressure to, especially if wish to distribute our Ramadaan Hampers before Ramadaan commences.
The Caring Sisters Network has a confirmed recipient list of about 4000 currently and requests from various Islamic institutions and Masaajid are flowing in daily.
We have placed all on a waiting list as our distribution and reach is funds dependent.
We therefore appeal to you to donate your Zakaah within the next few days.
It will help us and our suppliers too.
Allah (SWT) has placed us in this situation so surely He will grant you the Sawaab as if you donated in Ramadaan, Ameen.
If your heart still desires to donate your funds in Ramadaan.
Then we are happy to take your pledges, but we askย that you to please honour your pledges in the 1st week of Ramadaan.
Help us, help our Muslim brothers, sisters and families in this time of great need and before Ramadaan begins Insha Allah.
Kindly send your pledges to:
Fatima Osman:082 786 1724
Afsana vally: 083 520 8888
Please whatsApp ย either one and not both
All queries can be directed to Fatima or Afsana.
Banking details are on the poster inserted.