The signature Eid Smile Campaign has become one of the Caring Sisters Networks most anticipated projects of the year.
The campaign grants us the opportunity to bring smiles to the faces of many.
This year the Caring Sisters Network gifted 3700 Eid gifts to many deserving children, inย disadvantaged madressas and township areas as well as to those across our boarders in Lesotho.
Alhumdulillah, our campaign has grown from strength to strength over the years.
Each child has been gifted a blanket to keep warm this winter, a much needed school backpack, a storage bag filled with bare necessities, essentials items as well asย luxury items and treats. Our items fall into the categories of linen, madressa items, clothing, plastic ware, toiletries, stationery, essential snacks, cereals, soups and treats.
Packing of these gift bags commenced at the NMJ Islamic Hall in Durban and members of our community were invited to join in.
The initiative affords the mothers of the Durban community to come along with their children to pack their contributions themselves, engendering the spirit of giving and helping. It also helps bonding and learning to work with others towards a common objective.
A total of 245 000 items were packed over two days, consisting of seven categories of items and making up 3700 gift bags.